Thursday 7 May 2015

News Values

Boston Marathon Bombings

This news story would be at the top of the agenda because of the news values that it has;

 it is a really negative story, Bombing at the Boston Marathon, thus making it more interesting or sad to watch as a viewer
It is kinda close to home as some British people may have been running in the marathon, and there was at the minimum 264 casualties and some of those injured citizens may have been British citizens, therefore showing some form of the Boston Bombing being "Close to home."
                                         However, this story is not as "immediate" as the bombings in Boston happened in 2013, or two years ago, therefore people may not be as interested in this story compared to a news story from today like "UK Party Leaders cast their vote."

 This story is not as simple as it seems because it is just "A Suicide Bomber Bombing at the Boston Marathon." This story may seem simple whereas it is not really as one of the towers collapsed after the two bombs went off the the finish line of the marathon. 

This story is arguably unique and not unique because it is a bombing at a marathon which you so not see, however this story is also not unique because there have been bombings in places that you wouldn't expect before, e.g. the twin towers being bombed and collapsed, also the bus which was bombed in June as well as the the London Underground which was bombed on the same day, thus naming these attacks 7/7 because they happened on the 7th of June 2005.
                                        Furthermore, people may be interested in this story, as well as it being the news agenda, because this happened in USA, which is a very important country in the world.     

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